首字母填词 答案全解全析 一 【答案】 1.them 2.other 6.home 7.sing 3.want 4.happy 5.help 8.sleep 9.times 10.stop 二 【答案】 1. exercises 2. popular 3. near 4. years 5. new 6. old 9. able 7. time 8. one 10. friends 三 【答案】 1. across/around 6. with 2.afraid 3.bought 7.because 8.out 4. said 5. mouse 9. put 10. kitchen 四 【答案】 1. next 6. so 2.share 7.living 3.with 8.front 4. balcony 5. desk 9. picture/photo 10. lamp 五 【答案】 1. be 2.too 6. broken 7.check 3.your 4. help 5. Computer 8.more 9. for 10. will 六 【答案】 1. living 2.different 3.enough 6.comfortable 7. summer 8. grass 4.small 5. hundred 9. houses 10.short 七 【答案】 1、visit2、how3、places4、turn5、right6、see7、road8、find9、crossing10、wonderful 八 【答案】 1. feel 2.fresh 3.see 4. forward 5. mine 6. morning 7.better 8.your 9. parents’ 10. her 九 【答案】 1. tell 2. mine 3. reading 4. house 5. light 6. them 7. calling 8. comes 9. see 10. Go 课后精练 一 【答案】 1. chat 2. hate 3. much 6. because 7. feel 8. need 4. last 5. But 9. time 10. parents 二 【答案】 1. far 2.live 3.other 4. some 5. offices 6. takes 7.film 8.quiet 9. exciting 10. why 三 【答案】 1.called 6.understand 2.hundred 3.from 4.Americans 5. eating 7.had 8.with 9.So 10.also 四 【答案】 1.also 2.eat 6.something 3.another 7.make 4.group 8.eating 9.pass 5.more 10.still 五 【答案】 1. family 2. come 3. place 4. near 5. England 6. because 7. job 8. cook 9. hear 10. son 六 【答案】 1.because 2.found 6.happening 3.present 7.frightened 8.take 4.open 5.fell 9.surprised 10.afraid 七 【答案】 1.town 2.fridge 3.both 4.same 5.study 6.back 7.full 8.future 9.because 10.how 八 【答案】 1. sounds 6. knew 2.find 7.took 3.called 4. for 8.different 9. more 5. came 10. amazing 九 【答案】 1.about 2.friend 3.parrot 4.thinking 5.afraid 6.quiet 7.suddenly 8.breakfast 9.fast 10.bird 十 【答案】 1.went 6.quickly 2.decided 7.ground 3. first 4.bored 8.around 9.focusing 5.excited 10.laughing

doc文档 专题9.首字母填空 知识梳理与挖精练答案全解全析.doc

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专题9.首字母填空 知识梳理与挖精练答案全解全析.doc 第 1 页 专题9.首字母填空 知识梳理与挖精练答案全解全析.doc 第 2 页 专题9.首字母填空 知识梳理与挖精练答案全解全析.doc 第 3 页
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